Our hospital has opened its ENDOSCOPY services, from 1st June 2023. Endoscopy procedures are investigations involving the passage of specialized viewing instruments/probes. For gastrointestinal endoscopy, the viewing instrument is passed through the mouth and down the intestines or through the anus and upwards to the intestines.

This procedure aims at viewing the interior aspect of the stomach, small intestine and large intestine to confirm diagnosis of conditions such as ulcers, erosions, bleedings and cancers. According to the SMCCH Endoscopy Surgeon , Dr Mba, “It is usually recommended for people with chronic or worsening gastrointestinal symptoms such as rectal bleeding, change in bowel habits, vomiting, difficulty in swallowing and abdominal pain.”

At St Marys , endoscopy include;
• Upper Gastrointestinal Tract (G.I) Endoscopy – This type of endoscopy is aimed at viewing the stomach and part of the small intestine.Specific nomenclature such as gastroscopy are types of upper G.I endoscopy.
• Lower Gastrointestinal Tract (G.I) Endoscopy – Lower G.I Endoscopy views the large intestine and the remainder of the small intestine not seen in an upper G.I endoscopy.
• Lower Gastrointestinal Tract (G.I) Endoscopy – Lower G.I Endoscopy views the large intestine and the remainder of the small intestine not seen in an upper G.I endoscopy. Other nomenclature such as Colonoscopy, Sigmoidoscopy, Proctoscopy are all types of lower G.I endos copy.

AADIS Endoscopy procedures are done by booking and pre-procedure preparations are advised accordingly.

Reacting to this development , the Asst Director of Clinical Services of our hospital , Dr Obinna Emeto , said that “this will be the only functional endoscopy in the whole of the zone.” He enjoined all hospitals around to send their patients with the indications for endoscopy to SMCCH , and be assured of excellent services.


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