SMCCH celebrates World Physiotherapy Day

The world physiotherapy day or Physical therapy day as it may be called takes place every year on 8th of September. This day was designated in 1996 by the World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT). The day is an opportunity for Physical therapists from all over the world to raise awareness about the crucial contribution the profession makes to keeping people mobile and independent.
The physiotherapists at St. Mary’s Children and Community Hospital Umuowa, Orlu in Imo State Nigeria are no exception to this awareness campaign of letting the whole world know about this amazing profession that restores movement and function when someone is affected by injury, illness or disease. As physiotherapists, we maintain health for people of all ages, helping patients to manage pain and prevent diseases.

The theme each year is usually “Movement for Health” but topics of discussion varies. This year’s topic focuses on improving mental Health with exercise. Exercise improves the quality of life and self esteem of people experiencing mental health issues. It is estimated that 1 in 4 people will experience a mental health condition of some sort in their lifetime. Mental health problems are one of the main causes of overall disease burden worldwide. About 20% of people living with osteoarthritis have depression or anxiety, 33% of people affected by a stroke have depression and 38% of people with frailty have depression.

Physical therapists work with people who may have depression alongside long term health issues. They not only treat or mange their pains and weakness, but also help them achieve optimum function. They will assist you achieve your rehabilitation goals by listening to you to understand what matters to you, ensure targets that are realistic and achievable, work with you to develop an exercise programme that is tailored to your needs, keep you motivated and adapt the programme as you progress.

Exercise and activities have a wide range of health benefits for your mind as well as your body. Choose an exercise or activity that you find enjoyable and have fun. Get active! stay live!! talk to a physiotherapist!!!
At Physiotherapy & Fitness Centre, St. Marys Children and Community Hospital Umuowa, we offer exercise prescriptions to assist various kind of patients with different kinds of disease conditions and apparently healthy individuals who wish to achieve a certain fitness goal. We offer aerobic fitness classes to assist you regulate your blood pressure, sugar and cholesterol levels, help you achieve a healthy body weight, good looking shape and flexibility. Aerobic exercises have proven to help reduce the risk and consequences of hypertension, diabetes, stroke and some cancers. Strength training to enable you achieve strong muscles and bones even as you age.
We also treat and rehabilitate different musculoskeletal and neurologic conditions like joint pains, waist pain, arthritis, stroke, babies with walking and functional difficulties, spinal cord injuries, muscle weakness etc.

As part of our programme in celebrating the world physical therapy day, we scheduled a lecture on Physiotherapy in mental Health, free aerobics and cardio exercises, tummy exercise training, and refreshments. It started by 8am with a lot of turnouts from both our old and new clients.


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